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Ex policeman claims that Family law ‘does not need lawyers’ as he sets up a McKenzie friends website and start up.

What happened?
It was recently reported in the Law Gazette former police officer, Philip Kedge, intends to launch a website known as Blue Light McKenzie Friends with the intention of linking up with 100 former police offices and helping ‘Litigants in Person’, i.e. those who are representing themselves. Information taken from Mr Kedge’s website states that “ we aim to bust the myth that “Family Law Needs Lawyers”. Even more worryingly the website also states that “For every £10,000 you would pay a lawyer, we aim to charge £1,000.”
What is a McKenzie Friend?
A Litigant in Person can choose to obtain assistance from a lay person, sometimes known as McKenzie friend. McKenzie friends are therefore unqualified and not formally regulated. They also are not obliged to have indemnity insurance in place to protect the client if things go wrong or if they make a mistake.
Melissa Cunningham, Head of Family Law at IMD Solicitors commented “as a starting point, a McKenzie Friend is not a new concept. However, there is a clear distinction between a qualified Solicitor who holds a practicing certificate and is suitably qualified in the area and a lay person who does not hold the same qualifications. In addition McKenzie friends are not able to advocate on behalf of the Litigant in Person, compared with a Solicitor or Barrister, and are not able to directly address the judge. They are also not subject to a code of conduct like Solicitors. It is clearly concerning for the profession as a whole that an outsider can compare the two, in a very negative way and seek to save you money on a case whilst doing so. There is absolutely no justification in the claim on the website ‘for every £10,000 you would pay a lawyer, we aim to charge £1,000.”
Sometimes a family case might have issues related to on criminal law as an applicant/respondent might have a criminal background which is relevant to a case concerning child arrangements or a party might have Non Molestation Order to stop them from further harassing the other party. However, the way that Family Law and Criminal Law cases are dealt with are completely different. In order to obtain specialist and detailed advice on Family Law you should see a Family Solicitor. Family law cases can be very complex and representation inside the court room plays a huge part in dealing with such cases.
If you require family law advice and are unsure of your options, then IMD Solicitors are here to help. Our team of compassionate and understanding Family law specialists can guide you every step of the way. Call us today on 0333 358 3062 or email us at: info@imd.co.uk.