Reading Room

May 2024

Registering a UK Divorce in Romania and other EU countries

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May 2024

Amendments to the Family Procedural Rules: Non-court Dispute Resolution

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Apr 2024

Divorce and division of assets in England v Divorce and division of assets in Italy

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Feb 2024

Registration of UK Judgments Abroad

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Feb 2024

International Divorce Proceedings: A Case Study on Jurisdiction and Urgency

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Feb 2024

Strategies for Child Relocation and Enforcing Court Orders Abroad 

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Feb 2024

Cross-Border Child Arrangement Agreements: A Case Study on Enforcement and Legal Strategy

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Jan 2024

International Child Relocation A Legal Examination

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Jan 2024

Evaluating the impact of individual contributions on the Division of Matrimonial Assets

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Dec 2023

International Assets in Financial Remedy Proceedings

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