If you or your loved one has suffered a brain injury due to an avoidable medical mistake they you may be able to make a claim for compensation.
A brain injury can result in devastating and catastrophic consequences for the patient and their families. The impact can cause life changing injuries which in turn can leave the patient totally dependent on others to care for their day to day needs.
Impacts of a catastrophic brain injury
The brain is one of the most sensitive and important parts of the human anatomy as it controls body function, mood, speech and emotions. The severity of an injury can vary leaving the patient with debilitating physical and mental disabilities.
Symptoms from a brain injury and head trauma include:
- Constant headaches
- Convulsion and seizures
- Vomiting and nausea
- Slurred speech
- Weakness or numbness in arms and legs
- Agitation, anger and personality change
- Loss of coordination
- Loss of speech
- Loss of movement
- Sensory impairment
- Memory loss
- Damage to eye sight
This can be caused:
- During surgery
- Delayed diagnosis or incorrect treatment
- Misdiagnosis
A head injury will warrant immediate investigation and it is usual for the victim to have a CT Scan as the failure to investigate can leave the victim with cognitive disorder after a traumatic brain injury.
Types of catastrophic brain injury medical negligence claims
Cerebral Palsy
Babies with brain injury can go on to develop cerebral palsy. This can be devastating in some case where the child may need 24/7 care due to their inability to walk or talk. This can be caused when the brain is starved of oxygen during birth. If the damage was caused due to a medical mistake then it is important to seek justice as these children often require specialist care for the rest of their lives.
A misdiagnosed or delayed diagnosis or treatment of stroke can also leave the patient with long term disabilities including loss of speech.
Acquired brain injury
This can happen when the injury is caused by pressure on the brain through a tumour or a neurological illness.
Traumatic brain injury
This can be an external injury caused by say a blow to the head.
Congenital brain injury
This is where the injury is caused during either birth trauma or due to genetic causes and the consequences can be very devastating.
Brain aneurysm
This is a weak area in the wall of the artery that supplies blood to the brain. In some cases the brain aneurysm can release blood into the skull causing a stroke. Patients can be left with speech and mobility difficulties often with long term care needs.
Subdural Haematoma
This is a serious condition where blood collects between the skull and the surface of the brain. It is usually caused by a head injury. Symptoms can include a constant headache which progressively gets worse. If there is a delay in diagnosis and treatment the consequences can be fatal.
Delayed diagnosis of an infection
Patients can sometimes acquire infections that have nothing to do with the condition for which the patient was originally admitted for. Many hospital infections can be preventable such as MRSA, pneumonia and urinary tract infections. If this causes trauma to the brain which was preventable then you may have a claim.
Bacterial and viral meningitis can happen to anyone regardless of their age and this can be fatal if not treated correctly and promptly. At least one in three patients will be left with long term complications. If there is a delay in diagnosing the patient can be left with permanent cognitive, speech and physical impairment,
Sub-archnoid haemorrhage
This is an uncommon type of stroke caused by bleeding on the surface of the brain. It’s a very serious condition and can be fatal. One in every 20 strokes can be a sub-archnoid haemorrhage. Left untreated or diagnosed late this can leave the patient with life -long impairment.
Head and spinal injuries
Damage to the back can result in paraplegia and damage to the neck can result in tetraplegia. Any trauma to this most sensitive part of the body can leave the patient with loss of function on multiple levels.
What support is available?
If the trauma was caused through medical negligence and the claim is successful you will secure damages for pain, suffering and expenses.
In addition, rehabilitation support could be sought such as assistance from:
- Occupational therapist
- Physiotherapist
- Speech and language therapist
- Care and nursing experts
- Rehabilitation aids and support
- Transport cost
Caring for someone with a serious brain injury requires expert advice and the funds to pay for the support required. If compensation is recovered this will go some way to helping the patient and their family manage the consequences of the mistake.
What to do next?
If you would like to have an informal chat with our clinical negligence experts in confidence to see if you have a viable claim then please complete the contact form and we will give you a call back at a time convenient to you or contact Wiktor Buza, by calling us on 0330 107 0107 or email us at info@imd.co.uk. Once we are contacted by you, one of our helpful team members will get in touch.
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