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NHS never events claims

When a suffers an injury which was entirely avoidable and should never have happened then this could be classed as a never event medical negligence. Sometimes the never event can result in serious and long term consequences for the victim. 

Examples of never events can include:

  • Wrong surgery such as operating on the wrong limb
  • Retained surgical instruments
  • Incorrect treatment or misplacement of a gastric tube
  • Overdoes of medication
  • Wrong administration of medicine
  • Wrong implant

According to the NHS Never Events data for April to August 2022 the NHS recorded 168 never events.  The NHS’s never events policy and framework which was revised in January 2018 is designed to ensure patient safety and to ensure never events do not occur.  If you or your family have suffered an injury due to a never events please contact our friendly medical negligence team for a no obligation and informal chat as we have experience of helping our clients recover compensation caused by never event.  Often, the patient will never recover completely from the damage and trauma they suffered but financial compensation can sometimes go some way towards helping them come to terms with the never event trauma.

What to do next?

If you would like to have an informal chat with our clinical negligence experts in confidence to see if you have a viable claim then please complete the contact form and we will give you a call back at a time convenient to you or contact Wiktor Buza, by calling us on 0330 107 0107 or email us at  Once we are contacted by you, one of our helpful team members will get in touch.

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